Sunday, July 7, 2013

Catching Up Part 2

June 14th

2012 13 School Year

The end of 3rd Grade and Kindergarten!

June 5th

Zachary Bloomed into 1st Grade!!

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Elissa made Zach this graduation hat. She did a great job!

IMG 7915

We loved Mrs. Vicki Taylor!!

IMG 7920

June 1st

Yard Sale Weekend!

IMG 1846

May 29th

Happy 9th Birthday!!

IMG 7798

May 12th

Happy Mother's Day!

IMG 7590

Elissa's new ears pierced and my new earrings.

A day at the zoo!

 IMG 7605

This pretty peacock met us.

IMG 7612

IMG 7627

IMG 7636

IMG 7667

Elissa got picked to be in the show.

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IMG 7776

Then a walk along Rushton Way

IMG 2072

May 10th

Elissa's early Birthday Party!

SPA Day Overnighter!

IMG 2045  IMG 2050

IMG 2047  IMG 2054

IMG 2059 

May 9th

Elissa gets her ears pierced for her 9th birthday!

IMG 2025  IMG 2026

IMG 2027  IMG 2028

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Catching Up Part 1

Wow, I guess it has been a long while since I blogged.

Too busy packing! 

May 1st

Elissa's 3rd Grade Field Trip

IMG 3044

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IMG 1851

The first part of the field trip was a noodle & fortune cookie factory in Seattle.

It was actually really interesting.

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IMG 1885

Then a walk through China town.

IMG 1892

Lunch at Uwajimaya.

IMG 1935

Then a tour of the Japanese Gardens.

IMG 1941


April 23rd

Zach's Spring Concert

IMG 7480

What a handsome boy!

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I think she thinks so too! :-)

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April 22nd

Boston Memorial Run

4 22 13 Boston Memorial Run

IMG 1800

IMG 1807

IMG 1804

I ended up having to walk with Zach pretty much the whole 2.62 miles.

Elissa did an awesome job and ran with Jen the whole time. So proud of her!

March - April

Zach did wrestling again.

IMG 7431

IMG 7439

IMG 7437

IMG 7459

April 20th

Chris Tomlin Concert

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IMG 1787

Chris Tomlin & Louie Giglio

IMG 1790  IMG 1792

One of the best concerts ever!

March 11th

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IMG 1601

Though Darin didn't like the teenagers screaming in his ear beside him. :-)